Film Score Composer

composer of creepy music with guitar Are you working on a horror movie? A dark documentary or an intense thriller? Maybe you've already completed it! Or maybe you're planning to make one and like to plan ahead (great idea!). You want your movie to be as good as it can possibly be! That's why you're looking for some killer music for your film.

As a film score composer I can help you get the most out of your hard work. Your next masterpiece deserves a soundtrack that helps reinforce your story. Making sure your audience has the best experience possible!

Get in touch for your custom soundtrack now!

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It is always pleasant to work with Marc, He knows how to push a film to the next level with his music. I am surprised everytime when I add his score to project. And besides he is a nice person to work with! If you are looking for a good composer, contact Marc!

Robert Monster / Video Concepts

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Marc's music is both intriguing as well as emotionally provoking. His score for my film 'Do Not Open' is what drives the entire mood of the thriller, and I can't visualize the film without Marc's music , or any other music for that matter.

Chris Barcia / Dark Mind Productions

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The soundtrack continues to, despite having listened to it countless times, give me goosebumps! which shows a lot of professionalism

Tom van Immerseel

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Dedicated Horror Score Composer

Horror films and thrillers usually have far more levels of suspense than other movies. I am a film composer specialized in making music for horror movies, music for thrillers and other dark stories. Music for these films has to add to the suspense. It needs to help pull the audience to the edge of their seats.

Most other genres of movies have suspenseful moments, but much less complicated. To have the music fit the exact level of suspense of a scene is an amazing but difficult challenge. Horror movies have variations in levels of suspense down to an art form. That 's; why making horror films is a highly specialized skill, as is making music for them.

Differences In Suspence

Take the exploration of an abandoned house that might be haunted as an example of the role of suspense in horror film music.

You go to a house. You explore and feel something is wrong. From the corner of your eyes, you see movement. Then you hear a low rumbling sound. Suddenly you see the ghost! You run as fast as you can to the exit. It takes your friend! Finally, you reach the exit. As you walk through the door you look over your shoulders. You 're finally out of danger, but for a while, you keep checking if nothing is really following you.

All of these moments could be different. All of them are suspenseful but none at the same level. Creating musis that reflects the general emotion from the scene and the right amount of suspense. That is the challenge for a horror film composer, and that is why making music for horror films is a specialized skill.

Excerpts Of My Music In Films

Some excerpts of films I scored. Including one horror film and two different kind of films to give a sense of how I will score different kinds of scenes.

The Man That Knew Too Much (Trailer) by Michael Oswald

Simple Wishes (Horror) by Dark Mind Productions

Webbed (Drama) By Visakh Madhusoodanan Subha

A Title Track For Your Movie

Title tracks for a movie are becoming more and more common ground in the industry. It helps to give a movie its own sounds and a little bit of extra promotion among music fans. Just look at the vast amount of covers for you'Toss A Coin To Your Witcher' on YouTube. It certainly hasn't hurt this show to have released a few of these popular songs to go along with the series.

Here I can help out as well. Letting me make the title track for your film will guarantee that it will fit the score uniquely well. Like in the example from The Witcher, we can work in parts of the song throughout the film score to really make the song part of the movie, and create a whole world around your story.

Contradictory Music

Of course, horror films aren't only about suspense. Scenes can range from happy to sad or funny. A lot of the times even these scenes need to have sadistic or suspenseful undertones.

This means horror movies require their own approach of composing music. Creating sounds from all kinds of everyday recordings and recording scary sounds to use in the soundtrack is a great tool for this. You'll hear this a lot in the music I write and wrote for films.

Sound Design

Of course, horror films aren't only about suspense. Scenes can range from happy to sad or funny. A lot of the times even these scenes need to have sadistic or suspenseful undertones.

This means horror movies require their own approach of composing music. Creating sounds from all kinds of everyday recordings and recording scary sounds to use in the soundtrack is a great tool for this. You'll hear this a lot in the music I write and wrote for films.

Price Calculator

Question 1 / 3

How long is your film?

An estimate is fine, just to give me an idea of the length.

Under 10 Minutes
Between 10 and 30 minutes
Between 30 minutes and 1 hour
Over one hour long

Movies I Made Music For

Movie Name Producer / Director Link
Manchineel Courthouse Chris Bowyer Click Here
The Man Who Knew Too Much Michael Oswald Click Here
Witness Dark Mind Productions Click Here
Kogel Door De Kerk (Music Editor) Jan Hendrik Creations Click Here
The Man That Liked Flowers Mark Hensley Click Here
The Man That Knew Too Much (Trailer 2) Michael Oswald Click Here
The Man That Knew Too Much (Trailer 1) Michael Oswald Click Here
Simple Wishes Dark Mind Productions Click Here
Making the world go round! Jan Hendrik Creations Click Here
Bad Karma BrokxMedia Click Here
Onwijs Lekker Ijs Jan Hendrik Creations Click Here
Repay VideoConcepts Click Here
Onbeantwoord Haags Licht n/a
Christina Batuhan Eryigit Click Here
Do Not Open Dark Mind Productions Click Here
NR45 VideoConcepts Click Here
Laat Maar Lopen BrokxMedia Click Here
WEBBED Visakh Madhusoodanan Subha Click Here
Schoon Genoeg BrokxMedia Click Here
Strike at Dawn Tom Van Immerseel Click Here
Retaliation (Added Music) Cameron Baxter Click Here
Stalking the Fields Sapphire Cuthulu Productions n/a
Somewhere over Dover Elliot Wallis of The Nerd Creations Click Here
Animaris Annabellis Else van Laere and Home Made Productions Click Here
The Pony Filzah Fadzil Click Here
Soepsalabim Filmbeestjes Click Here
Trick or Treat ChimpPhobiaFilms n/a
Racing Stripes Jonathan Mines Click Here

Recent Awards

Independent Cinephiles Short Film Festival award for best soundtrack for the horror film manchineel courthouse

For Manchineel Courthouse (2022)

Copyright Marc van der Meulen © 2025